I believe that this is something normal in our life.I think most of you have met this situation before. When your friends meet problems, I'm sure most of us are willing to help them if you have the time and resources available.As time goes by you help them more and more. And one day when you refused to offer any help to them cause of your own reasons.......
The nightmare begins. They feel that you have betrayed them. Like a slave who who disobey the masters command, they try to whip you,punish you, stab you and beat you to the ground, until you cry for forgiveness.
Appreciation is always minute and short lived; Accusation never fades.
And what is the worst is they start to blame everything on you. You are just a punching bag to them. They look for a scapegoat for their own wrong doings.
Unfortunately the person that is the most vulnarable is always the person who helped them the most.
One good example is we always blame our parents for not doing certain things in our favor and in the same time ignore everything they did for us in the past.
This is the characteristics of most of the human beings in the world. It is designed in our genes and unfortunatly the world is dominated by us.....

We lived in a dark world