Friday, December 4, 2009

Why not sharing?

"Knowledge grows when shared" - Bhartrihari
I love this phrase alot.
Knowledge, unlike other resources such as money will grow more in our mind when we share it with others.
We learn even more if we teach our knowledge to other people.
Unfortunately, teaching someone is regarded as an act of foolishness in certain culture. Especially among the Chinese.(Sorry if i offended anyone of you, but as a chinese myself, i have to admit that this is the dark side of our culture. :p )
Some people think that if they teach another person certain knowledge or skills, that person may act as a threat after they have acquired those knowledge. (教会徒弟不识师傅)
Therefore, many of them were not willing to share out their knowledge to the others.
In the end of the day, those knowledge were lost because they were never pass on to the other generations.

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